Making charitable contributions is an art — a creative process that adapts to the changing needs and wishes of the donor. Planned giving enables a donor to arrange charitable contributions in ways that maximize his or her personal objectives while minimizing the after-tax cost.
Depending on the asset given and the gift arrangement selected, a donor can generally expect to obtain some of all of the following benefits:
Philanthropic goals
Reduce income tax through a deduction for the gift
Avoid capital-gain tax on gifts of long-term appreciated property
Retain life income for the donor and other beneficiaries
Increase spendable income
Eliminate federal estate tax on property passing to charity upon the donor's death
Reduce costs and time in estate settlement
The following are suggestions of planned charitable gifts. You should consult with your own tax and legal advisors for a full discussion of the tax implications of particular gift plans.
Outright Gifts
Securities and Real Estate
Tangible Personal Property
Deferred Gifts
Life-Income Plans
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Pooled Income Fund
Gifts by will or bequest
Specific bequest
General bequest
Residual bequest
Contingent bequest
Life Insurance
Gifts to fund the future