Twelfth Hog Wild Is Heading to the...
(Event Theme Announcement Coming Soon!
The 12th Annual Hog Wild – which will be one of the most exciting fundraisers ever held in Port Angeles – will be on Saturday, June 28, and will feature performances provided by Enjoy Productions out of Seattle.
Hog Wild, presented by North Olympic Healthcare Network and Kitsap Bank, will be an evening full of entertainment. It will raise funds for the OMC Children’s Clinic and the OMC Foundation Scholarship fund. The latter will provide significant funds for people who want to enter the healthcare profession, especially in Peninsula College’s medical-related programs.
For more than three decades Kevin Joyce and Martha Enson of Enjoy Productions have established themselves as one of the most versatile and prolific creative teams in the Pacific Northwest. They have hosted, directed, designed, created, produce and performed at more than 2,000 live events, including theater spectacles like Teatro Zinzanni and circus art.
“This is a circus without tents or animals – it’s European circus that’s closer to vaudeville in the U.S. in the 1920’s,” said Joyce. “There will be several high energy acts that will include clowns and highly skilled performers such as aeralists, and hand balance and rollo bollo artists.”
Joyce, the founder of EnJoy Productions, and a musician and auctioneer, has become one of the most popular and sought-after fundraising hosts in the Pacific Northwest. He created and hosted the TV show Big Night Out for two seasons on the Seattle Channel.
Other performers will include:
Martha Enson was the first female director of Teatro Zinzanni and is the Artistic director of Enjoy Productions. She is an aerialist, actress, director, mask-maker, puppeteer and is forging a reputation as a creator and producer of singular influence in a career spanning over 30 years.
Mick Holsbeke is a former member of the Cirque du Soleil cast and was an original cast member in the 2018 re-opening of the world famous Teatro Zinzanni. He is a world-renown clown with a ravenous appetite for the ridiculous. His circus expertise was developed at the prestigious Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Montreal.
Jill Marissa is a hand-balance artist and has performed in Madrid, Germany and throughout the U.S. She is the co-founder of TickTock Dance, a performance company fusing deconstructed circus with contemporary Dance.
Etienne McGinley is a Rollo Bollo performer and a veteran of many circuses, Renaissance Fairs and street performance venues throughout the U.S. He also is the co-founder of Acrobatrix.
“This is going to be a fast-paced event with lots of entertainment,” said Skinner. “It will be unique to the fundraising event category.”
"Since we are both in the health care business, we are pleased to partner with the Foundation and OMC," said NOHN Administrator Michael Maxwell. "We are pleased to be a part of the effort to make our local Medical Center a great rural center."
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